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Philadelphia Permanent Disability Lawyer

If you sustain an injury at work that leaves you permanently disabled, you may be wondering how you are going to support yourself and your family if you are no longer able to work and earn a salary. Accepting the fact that you have an injury-related disability can be difficult, both physically and emotionally. Fortunately, you may be eligible for a life pension payment through your employer’s workers’ compensation plan.

Generally speaking, in order for you to qualify for a lifetime pension, you will need to meet the criteria for permanent total disability. This varies by state, but the standard is usually quite high, including total paralysis, or a brain injury resulting in mental incapacity. Contact our firm today to discuss your eligibility with a Philadelphia permanent disability lawyer serving Bustleton and South Philadelphia.

Philadelphia Permanent Disability Lawyer & Benefits Video

Seeking Lifetime Pension? Work with an Attorney

Strongly consider hiring an attorney when seeking a lifetime pension in South Philadelphia. At Gross & Kenny, LLP, our Philadelphia permanent disability attorneys will help you gather evidence and documentation showing that your injuries resulting from a workplace accident are severe enough to permanently disable you. Allowing our workers’ compensation lawyers to handle your permanent disability case will also allow you more time and space to focus on healing after an accident at work leaves you seriously injured. We will handle the claims process while you recover.

When Will You Start to Receive Permanent Disability Benefits?

As an attorney can further explain, you will only qualify for permanent disability benefits in Philadelphia when your condition no longer has the potential to improve further. If your doctor believes that there are other treatment options available that could help improve your condition, you will not yet be considered permanently and totally disabled.

When Your Insurance Company Denies Benefits

Once your doctor confirms your disability, it is in your best interest to consult with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer to ensure that your rights are protected. It is common for employers, or their workers’ compensation insurance carriers to deny lifetime pensions because they are expensive. Insurance companies and employers tend to look for reasons to avoid offering claimants the full amount of compensation they deserve because they are motivated to protect themselves financially.

If your initial claim is denied, your workers’ compensation attorney can advocate for you and protect your interests. A qualified attorney serving Bustleton will be familiar with the strategies an insurance company might use in an attempt to deny you proper compensation. They will thus be able to respond to those strategies effectively.

How and When Will I Receive My Benefits?

Depending on the details of the final settlement, you may receive benefit payments monthly, bi-monthly, or on another schedule determined by your state. In addition to the regular payment, you may be eligible for continuing related medical benefits, including new hearing aids if your hearing loss was due to a work injury, and new prosthetic devices if an industrial injury resulted in an amputation.

Be aware that it would be unethical for an attorney to guarantee that hiring them will result in you securing a lifelong pension. A lawyer you can genuinely trust won’t make any promises. Still, having an experienced Philadelphia workers’ compensation lawyer on your side will undeniably increase your odds of recovering an appropriate amount of compensation.

Calculating a Permanent Total Disability Claim

An employee who is permanently disabled from a work injury is entitled to two-thirds of the average weekly salary at the time of the injury, as well as medical expenses related to the injury. The employee will receive these benefits for as long as he or she lives. An exception to this rule is if the employee is also receiving Social Security disability benefits, in which case the total federal and state benefits cannot exceed 80 percent of the employee’s average earnings before the injury.

Don’t worry if you’re having trouble determining precisely how much compensation you may be owed when you file a workers’ compensation claim that includes a request for a lifelong pension. A permanent disability lawyer serving Philadelphia and the surrounding areas will gladly answer all your questions while also handling the task of calculating your permanent disability claim’s potential value.

Pros and Cons of Accepting a Settlement

Another topic your attorney will discuss with you is whether you should or should not accept a settlement offer. The pros and cons of accepting an offer can vary from one case to another, but they generally include the following:


If you decide not to accept a settlement with your company’s workers’ compensation insurance, you can pursue the following options:

  • Accept the weekly permanent disability payment that the insurance company offers
  • Go to trial with the insurance company to seek more money, whether it is a higher lump sum or weekly payments
  • Avoid the stress and hassle of waiting for and attending a hearing
  • The insurance company may offer you money in exchange for benefits you may never use, like future surgeries for a hand injury


  • If you give up your right to future medical treatment as part of your settlement, you will have a hard time having your health plan cover it at a later date.
  • If the settlement is in the form of a lump sum, some might spend the money right away. A weekly payment could be more helpful with monthly expenses.

Trust Your Claim With a Philadelphia Permanent Disability Attorney

If you have a permanent disability as a result of a work injury, the Philadelphia workers’ compensation lawyers of Gross & Kenny, LLP, are on your side. We will fight for the benefits you deserve so that you can continue to support yourself and your family. To schedule a complimentary consultation with a Philadelphia permanent disability lawyer, call us today. Our offices are located in Philadelphia, where we serve clients throughout the surrounding areas such as Bustleton and South Philadelphia.

Personal Injury Attorney Philadelphia | Gross & Kenny, LLP

Personal Injury Attorney Philadelphia | Gross & Kenny, LLP
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