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Philadelphia Occupational Disease Lawyer

You do not need to be acutely injured in a workplace accident to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits in Pennsylvania. You can file a workers’ compensation claim if you have developed an illness related to workplace hazards.

If you suspect that you or someone you love is suffering from a disease they caught at the workpalce, our experienced attorneys can help. The workers’ compensation attorneys at Gross & Kenny, LLP have focused on representing workers who have acquired occupational diseases and illnesses throughout South Philadelphia and Bustleton for more than 20 years.

Philadelphia Occupational Disease Lawyer Video

Types of Occupational Diseases

A partial listing of occupational diseases recognized under Pennsylvania’s Occupational Disease Act includes:

  • Allergic conditions, skin infections, inflammation
  • Asbestosis – a danger for construction workers working on older buildings in which asbestos fibers are present
  • Benzene leukemia
  • Bronchiolitis obliterans or Popcorn lung – a serious lung disease that develops in workers in microwave popcorn plants and others who handle flavorings. Butter flavorings in food products such as frostings, chips, and margarines pose a risk of popcorn lung for the workers exposed to them.
  • Byssinosis or brown lung – a lung disease found in cotton, flax, and hemp workers
  • Caisson disease (compressed air illness)
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) – COPD is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. and includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema
  • Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis – also called black lung disease, is caused by inhaling coal dust
  • Farmer’s lung – an allergy to mold and bacteria found in crops that produces asthma-like symptoms, but can also cause permanent lung damage that can be fatal
  • Flock worker’s lung – flock is the result of cutting nylon fibers into small strands which are used for carpeting, blankets, and upholstery. Inhaling the fibers every day can cause inflammation and scarring of the lungs
  • Mesothelioma – a deadly lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure
  • “Miner’s asthma,” “black lung disease,” pneumoconiosis
  • Poisoning by exposure to toxic substances or chemical compounds
  • Radium or radiation poisoning
  • Silicosis – commonly known as miner’s lung; silica dust is also found in stone, clay, and glass manufacturing facilities
  • Silo filler’s disease – caused by inhaling the toxic gas from crops fermenting in silos

Toxins That May Be Exposed to Workers

Exposure to toxins is a large cause of work-related respiratory and lung diseases. Workers in many different industries are continually exposed to dangerous materials. While there are many potentially deadly toxins present at worksites across the U.S., they are most common in manufacturing facilities, factories, construction sites, and gas and utility sites. Some of the most common chemicals linked to occupational illnesses include:

  • Arsenic
  • Benzene
  • Beryllium
  • Herbicides
  • Lead
  • Manganese (present in welding fumes)
  • Mercury
  • Nitroglycerin
  • Pesticides

Benefits Under Workers' Compensation

Occupational illnesses are typically covered under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act. Almost all Pennsylvania workers are covered by this law with a few exceptions. Railroad workers, longshoremen, and shipyard and harbor workers are examples of workers whose compensation is covered by other laws in the event of a workplace injury or illness. Agricultural laborers and domestics as well as volunteer workers may not be covered by the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation act.

Under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation act, an Occupational illness is covered if it was caused by or aggravated by your employment. To be eligible for compensation, the disability had to take place within 300 weeks of the last time you were exposed to the hazard as part of your job. If your claim is successful you may receive some or all of the following benefits:

  • Wage loss benefits – whether you are totally disabled and unable to do your job, or partially disabled and receiving less pay than before your illness.
  • Medical care – including medicine, supplies, hospital treatment, and physical therapy related to occupational illness.
  • Death benefits are paid to surviving dependents in the case of a fatality.

How Our Attorneys Can Help

Our workers’ compensation attorneys specialize in occupational disease, including lung disease cases and can assist you in many ways throughout the claims process. Here are just some of the ways that we assist you throughout your case:

  • Review your case to confirm if you are eligible for compensation
  • Gather evidence showing that you developed an illness specifically as a result of exposure to workplace hazards
  • Handle all aspects of the claims process (such as completing and filing paperwork) so that you may focus on your recovery
  • Reject unfair settlement offers from insurance companies and negotiate for a fair payout on your behal

Your initial case evaluation is complimentary. Thus, if you suspect you might have reason to seek compensation but you’re unsure you have valid grounds to file a claim, you’re not taking a financial risk by reviewing the case with an our attorneys who can thoroughly explain your legal options.

Speak With a Philadelphia Occupational Disease Attorney

If you have been injured at work in Philly, Bustleton, or South Philadelphia, contact our firm today. At Gross & Kenny, LLP, initial consultations are always free and completely confidential. To schedule yours, reach out to our Center City, Philadelphia offices today. You will either speak to a Philadelphia occupational disease lawyer immediately or you will get a return call within the same day.

Personal Injury Attorney Philadelphia | Gross & Kenny, LLP

Personal Injury Attorney Philadelphia | Gross & Kenny, LLP
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