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Choosing A Doctor And Getting Medical Treatment

For more than 20 years, our attorneys at Gross & Kenny, LLP have focused on protecting the rights of injured workers. This commitment has allowed our lawyers to gain extensive knowledge of the complex rules and regulations that apply to injured workers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including those regarding medical treatment.

If you have been injured or become ill as a result of your job in Philadelphia, Bustleton, or South Philly — contact us to learn more about your rights and medical treatment options under the law.

Does My Employer Get To Choose My Doctor?

No, your employer cannot require you to seek medical treatment from anyone specific provider. What your employer is allowed to do is to provide a list of physicians for you to choose from. These physicians must be licensed and qualified to provide diagnoses or medical treatment for the condition or injury affecting you. If your employer has complied with all of the requirements of posting and notifying you of a list of physicians, you may be required to choose from this list to obtain care from a health care provider on the employer’s panel of physicians for the first 90 days. Following that initial 90-day period, you may choose any doctor you wish. Many times, however, your employer cannot choose your doctor for you. Please contact us to see if you are required to treat with specific doctors of your employer’s choosing.

Can I Switch Doctors?

Yes, during the first 90 days you can switch among the doctors on your employer’s panel of physicians, but you may not even be required to treat with any of the doctors on that list. Please contact us to see if you are required to treat with specific doctors of your employer’s choosing.

After the initial 90-day period, you may select a doctor of your choosing, regardless of whether or not he or she is one of your employer’s preferred physicians. You may also seek referrals to specialists or other physicians not on the employer’s preferred list at that time.

What If My Employer Does Not Provide A List Or Enough Choices?

If your employer does not provide you with a list of qualified physicians to choose from or if it provides you with a list that does not comply with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, the 90-day requirement is waived and you may choose to obtain medical treatment from any doctor you wish. Please contact us to see if you are required to treat with specific doctors of your employer’s choosing.

Ask an Attorney From Our Firm About Choosing A Doctor And Getting Medical Treatment

We help our clients obtain appropriate medical treatment and manage every detail of their workers’ compensation claims so that they are free to concentrate on recovering. For a free consultation — contact Gross & Kenny, LLP today.

Personal Injury Attorney Philadelphia | Gross & Kenny, LLP

Personal Injury Attorney Philadelphia | Gross & Kenny, LLP
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