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When Should I Hire a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer?


Sometimes, it is not necessary to hire a lawyer for your Workers’ Compensation case, such as when your work-related injury is minor. However, there are many situations in which hiring a lawyer can give you the advantages you need when fighting for the compensation you deserve.

You Have Serious Medical Issues

As a Pennsylvania employee, you are entitled to compensation for all reasonable and necessary medical treatment for your work-related injuries or occupational diseases. However, serious injuries often require expensive surgery, physical rehabilitation, or ongoing medical treatment. Therefore, employers and insurance companies may try to deny or delay approving your claim to minimize their costs. A skilled lawyer can deal with your insurance company and help you quickly obtain the medical benefits you deserve.

You Missed a Lot of Work

If your injury causes you to miss a lot of work, it may be valuable to hire a lawyer. Employers and insurance companies do not want to pay disability benefits, especially if you are permanently or totally disabled. For this reason, they may deny your claim, arguing that your injuries are not as serious as you state or that they are not work-related. When you are out of work with an injury, you need your benefits sooner rather than later; an experienced attorney can ensure that your claim is handled expeditiously.

You Have a Pre-Existing Condition

A pre-existing condition does not necessarily bar you from recovery in your current case. However, under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, a pre-existing condition is only compensable if it was aggravated by an employee’s work environment or activities.

Employers and insurance companies will often argue that the pre-existing condition was not aggravated by the work environment or activities, but rather that it worsened as a result of its natural progression or external factors. A lawyer can help you gather the expert testimony and other evidence you need to present the strongest case possible.

You are Already Receiving Social Security Benefits

Although you can collect both Workers’ Compensation and Social Security disability benefits at the same time, there is a limit to the total amount of benefits you may receive. A knowledgeable Workers’ Compensation attorney can explain how to construct your settlement so that you receive the maximum amount of benefits in your case.

Your Claim was Denied

If your claim was initially denied, that does not mean you are not entitled to benefits. Wrongful denials happen all the time. You have the right to several appeals, the first of which must be filed with the state’s Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. There are specific requirements pertaining to appeals, which must be met to give you the best chance of succeeding. A knowledgeable lawyer will guarantee that all those legal requirements are met and that your rights are protected throughout the entire process.

Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation Lawyers at Gross & Kenny, LLP Advocate for Injured Employees

If you were injured at work, contact one of our Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation lawyers at Gross & Kenny, LLP. Our experienced attorneys can help you receive the benefits you deserve. To schedule a free consultation, complete our online form or call us at 215-512-1500. We serve clients throughout Pennsylvania from our office in Philadelphia.

Personal Injury Attorney Philadelphia | Gross & Kenny, LLP

Personal Injury Attorney Philadelphia | Gross & Kenny, LLP
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